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Times Escape : Book One in the Adventures of Bobby Regal Space Commander Read online

Page 3

  “I see. Well, it is there in case you want to have a look. I’ll tell Valeena just in case.”

  “Where is she?”

  “In her private quarters. I am just going to tend to her now, so I’ll tell her. Is there anything you need? I really must go.”

  “No, I am fine thank you. I think I will just retire for the night now.”

  “Please enjoy your time and remember to consider what we asked of you earlier. We will surprise you.”

  “I am used to surprises...”

  “Ah, but maybe not what we have in store.”

  “I can imagine.”

  “Incorrectly too. Bye Bobby.”

  Beth left him standing in the foyer for a moment before he took to the stairs and then the hallway leading to his room. Once inside, Bobby went to the window to have another look at the patch of sky only to find the view from this side of the house was angled away from the westerly direction where the strange space was to be seen.

  He decided to lie down and think about where he was and now this change in the sky. Ten minutes later he was asleep before he even felt tired enough to drop off – the mysterious effect of this back road bordello was again influencing him. He fell almost instantly into deep sleep and almost instantly began rapid eye movement dreaming where he came against images both alluring and confronting.

  Chapter 3

  Birds chirped, the house cat stalked prey beneath the oak tree, and sunshine greeted Bobby when he awoke early and decided to take in the freshness of the morning on the front porch of the bordello. He had always loved to rise early and seize the start of the day when most were still asleep and the world around him was more his own. Today he thought, was one requiring an early start if he was to have any type of upper hand over the situation unfolding around him. Such was his intrigue, he decided to remain and take this experience deeper in view of simply being able to leave whenever he chose.

  By daylight, the patch of changed night sky was obviously gone, yet its image and lack of stars still haunted him a little. As for Beth and Valeena, he had dreamed of them vividly during his deepest sleep and they had come to him in ways unimagined – Bobby was moved and somehow he saw them as akin to Vindors. They were not his enemies though as far as he could tell, yet something made him suspicious. He decided to play along with their requests they had made shortly after dinner to see where this escapade could take him.

  “Breakfast Bobby?” Beth called to him from the open front door. She had arrived unheard to the door left open.

  “Um, yes please Beth. Nothing too complicated though. Just eggs, hash browns, coffee, toast, butter, bacon, tomatoes, flapjacks, maple syrup, orange juice...nothing out of the ordinary thanks.”

  “Then you are going to have to help make such a smorgasbord. Do you eat so much every day?”

  “Without fail, but don’t worry as you have gravity here so the toast should be okay. I presume you don’t own a space toaster.”

  “No we don’t own a space toaster. It is just the gravity thing here you know.”

  “Yes I know. I have had enough breakfasts without space toasters to know just how good it is to have gravity on your side to stop your cooked bread floating about.”

  “Valeena has some bread floating about, but not the kind you are thinking of. She is going to help you with some if you need it when you help us.”

  “How do you know I will help?”

  “Women’s intuition silly. I am sure you will not want to spend your own money despite the pay for a space commander and Steward of Earth Defences no doubt being high.”

  “Now there is a thought. Do you have any weed?” Bobby thought a mind excursion with these two women could be interesting. He rarely touched anything aside from a few drinks, but with the official line of it being alright to try during time off work, he felt okay to proceed.

  “I would think a space commander would never do such things.”

  “Only when on duty. Sometimes when I get a break, I like to have a smoke. You don’t object do you?”

  “Only perhaps if I was an avid follower of our dear Steward and one who espoused to purity and abstinence.”

  “We both know it is virtually impossible in this world Beth.”

  “Sure, but some are. Think of those monks high in the Himalayas.”

  “There you go speaking of highs again. What about breakfast? I already have a rabid hunger and I haven’t even had a smoke yet.”

  “Well you did say you always eat big breakfasts.”

  “Show me the way.”

  “You can be sure of it sweetie.” Beth took Bobby’s hand leading him to the kitchen at the rear of the house. She planted a firm kiss on his lips before setting out to fetch all the ingredients and utensils required to make breakfast.

  Bobby lingered around whilst Beth prepared most of the food, though not through lack of wanting to help. Beth knew what she was doing, where everything was, and so went about it in a fashion as if it was common place for her.

  “I make breakfast each day so when Valeena wakes up, she can eat and get straight into managing this business.”

  “What about now without any customers?”

  “There is still work to do. Anyway, what makes you say there are no customers?”

  “I cannot see anyone else here besides me.”

  “Well then, you make at least one customer. But...do not be deceived by your eyes Bobby as there are always events happening we do not see.”

  “I learned to see such things as part of my strategic training to become a space commander, so I do have an idea on what not to look for.”

  “Then go with your idea because the unexpected is to be expected around here.”

  Bobby was not entirely sure what Beth meant. This added to his intrigue he was sure would return to fullness after a decent meal satisfying his present hunger.

  “How can I help Beth?”

  “You can start with arranging some plates and cups and glasses if you like. The food will be ready soon.”

  “What about Valeena?”

  “Go and tell her breakfast is ready, but watch out...”

  “For what?”

  “Oh, it is just there is some bumps in the floor near her bedroom. I wouldn’t want you to trip.”

  “I’ll watch my feet then.” Bobby set the table and then went to tell Valeena breakfast would soon be served. On his way to her room, he maintained a vigil keeping his eyes on the carpet for any places he might trip and fall. The last thing he needed now was an injury to keep him out of the space corps. When he reached her room, he wondered what Beth had been talking about as he had not seen anything resembling a bump in the floor. After considering it for a moment he decided he must have missed what she meant, and so all he had to do was to gently knock and call Valeena.

  After the first two knocks, she called to him from behind the closed door, asking him to come in and make her morning special with a visit.

  The moment he opened the door, Bobby realised what had occurred. Valeena was lying on her bed naked with her legs crossed just enough to hide her sex, with her upper body propped against a stack of pillows showing her breasts. His was immediately met with arousal from within at seeing her seductive position and look. She was deliberately inviting him to come to her, to be inside her, and to experience her, and unwittingly Bobby let his resistance go to find himself beside her on the bed in seconds, stroking her smooth pale skin.

  “Do you want me Bobby?”

  “Well, um, I hadn’t thought of it as I walked to your room, but now with seeing you like this, there is something inside me unable to resist you.”

  “Then take me and make this a morning we will both remember.”

  “What about...?”

  “Breakfast can wait. Beth will understand. Here, I have something to smoke. Do you smoke Bobby?”

  “Yes...a little. I was only saying to Beth just before...”

  “We have a connection Bobby. Trust this will you. Now smoke with me
and then we can love.”

  After reaching a climax together mixed with the headiness of having smoked weed, they lay upon the bed still within the contours of each other. Beth knew what they were up to and so had put breakfast on hold to join them in Valeena’s room.

  At first Bobby was unsure of how to deal with the two women at once when Beth began to remove her clothes. A few moments later she was naked as Valeena offered up another joint, prior to the three of them engaging in a tempered love making session. It was not some rampant affair, rather a slow and deliberate rise to climax where they all experienced connection to the core energies from the universe found during sex.

  Bobby had many experiences with core universal energies mostly in a professional sense as space commander. Now he had sampled moments of erotica he was sure most men dreamed of, yet Bobby had never felt such a fascination preferring the monogamy of direct relationships with a single woman. When it came time to rise from bed, he found the two women had actually fallen asleep – a trait usually attributed to men after intercourse.

  As he dressed himself, he noticed both Beth and Valeena were holding their bodies in precisely the same way which he thought was odd, but then just gave into it being somewhat of a coincidence. At the last before making way to the kitchen and the now almost forgotten breakfast, Beth did stir as if she had sensed his departure.

  “Where are you off to Bobby?”

  “Breakfast. I need the energy.”

  “Okay. I left it where you can finish heating it up and then eat. Valeena and I will join you in a few minutes after...”

  “After what?” Bobby looked at Beth, curious as to why she had trailed off and keen to know what ‘after’ really meant.

  “You know silly, womanly things. Go to the kitchen. We’ll see you in a minute or so.”

  Bobby was ravenous – he ate without stopping so quickly he was almost finished by the time the two women arrived to join him.

  “My, you are hungry space commander,” Valeena said as she sat beside him with only a half full plate of food for herself.

  “Busy men need a good deal of sustenance Valeena. What about you? Surely there is not enough on your plate to get you started for the day.”

  “Oh it is Bobby, and think about it, we have already started today.”

  Bobby then ate the rest of his meal in silence thinking about his liaisons with the two of them. He didn’t have a personal efficacy of prowess over the fact he had loved two women at once, nor did he have any urge to tell his mates about this event when he was back at work. Bobby was not one to brag, hence his selection as Steward of Earth Defences being a man of little negative ego.

  “What are your plans today Valeena?”

  “Nothing too much Bobby. Beth and I have our daily chores to maintain this house. Otherwise, we have little else in need of doing. Most of what we need has already been done anyway, so we are at liberty to be whatever and wherever we choose.”

  “Perhaps you would like to spend another night and if so we could all have a fine day together,” Beth said to him with a soft look in her eyes. She wanted to know Bobby more and thought he might spend the day enjoying himself in their company with the premise of another night where they could again explore each other.

  “What about clients? Maybe some new customers will arrive today. I would not want to be in their way.”

  “You have our grace Bobby. Stay as long as you like at our pleasure. You don’t need to pay us anything. It is not often we have visitors like you.”

  “How often do you have visitors?”

  “Now and then. This bordello is one of reputation and those in the know, come here when they please.”

  “So it is not general knowledge?”

  “Oh no. Our house is covert you could say. Only a select group even know of our existence.”

  “Okay I get it. Perhaps I will hang around for another day. I don’t really have to be anywhere on this vacation.”

  “Then it is settled. Stay another night with us.”

  Bobby then left the two women to finish, preferring some alone time and a walk out amongst the grounds around the house. The sun had risen as he had made love and was now high in the sky on its way to solar noon on the day when Earth was also at perihelion where it was its closest point to the sun during its yearly orbit.

  Since joining the space corps forces, Bobby had been trained in astrophysics and related knowledge pertinent to efficient operations as a space commander. There was no coincidence in this time of celestial significance as he stood at the dusty road side just beyond where his Cadillac was parked. He was assigned leave at this very time as it was the yearly lull in operations against the Vindors who were hindered by interference to their instruments even at the far reaches of the solar system.

  He found his car was coated in a thin film of dust which he gave no second glance, thinking it had been stirred up as he had travelled along the remote dirt roads. Its bright red paint shone through the veil as did the effervescence of its chrome grill and trimmings. He still marvelled at how it stood motionless two feet above the ground with clear air between it and the dirt. Despite his flights across the solar system, the capacity of his private vehicle to hold itself motionless and apparently without any power, still amazed him. There was nothing to indicate anything was doing the work to keep it there, though there was mechanics at play so subtle only an experienced pilot or engineer could detect them. Bobby knew how it worked but some element of childhood fascination still held him a little in awe.

  The dust coating was not of concern immediately as his mind wandered to thoughts of the two women again. For a moment he thought there was a connection before its meaning eluded him prompting Bobby to turn and casually walk the grounds about the house.

  Out further way past the last remnants of the roadside, the landscape took to undulations and sparse scrub, permeated here and there with large round boulders. They reminded Bobby of Vindor spaceships. The adversaries of Earth travelled in metallic ships of immense construction, designed to emulate the spherical nature of celestial bodies as they formed in squadrons appearing like meteor fields as alignment energy between ships amplifying their collective power.

  Prone to erratic flights of fancy, their craft could defy the known laws of physics by moving and turning without the aspect of having a forward section of the ship. ‘Balls in space’ was the name most space pilots called them, and so as a team their competitiveness over how many Vindor balls they could take out, was a regular joke.

  Bobby flew a Mark Two electron rocket himself during many victories over Vindor balls as Steward of Earth Defences. Now as he walked on into a field of boulders, he thought it strange how they all seemed to be near perfect spheres. Undulations and odd angles were apparent on most, yet he could draw a circle around their perimeter with his finger. Their various sizes did distract him from his study for a moment, leading to a shift in his thoughts back to his time with Valeena and Beth. Their curves came to him as flash memories – they were erotic, yet dignified and he wondered what they really were up to at the moment.

  All the evidence suggested a tasteful establishment devoid of the detritus frequenting seedy houses mired in squalor. The bordello whilst run down on the outside was irrefutably particular on the inside. Its decorations were a mixture of style from various decades since the mid nineteenth century, arranged to create small places or vistas giving rooms’ character and feeling. This effect evoked both emotion and comfort – magnetising at times with subtle creative flair in placement of ornaments and fittings. One could easily be swayed and Bobby began to see this as an extension of the effects both women had on him since his arrival.

  He felt no persuasion to leave immediately, thinking another night would feed his intrigue, satiating at least his hunger for diversity. Times in space as a pilot can be demanding with long periods of analytical thinking in a war context. Bobby’s mind needed a vacation too and his interests in what was taking place came as the surroundi
ngs and the women lured him to it and to them. With such decision, Bobby retained one key element to his forte – his ability to weigh up situations and remain in command of his thoughts. There was no way he would be manipulated, yet he knew he was already. It was a strange paradox both intriguing and evocative.

  Desire had also entered the scene with recollections of intimacy with Beth and Valeena. Natural to any person are the feelings for love, and so Bobby had no deviant thoughts in regard to their moments all together. He took it simply as life and experience defining itself. This was in effect a resilience allowing him to respond authentically free of fear in an elemental way for almost all situations. He was admired for his tenacious peace of mind and application of self, reflected in the world at large backing him as their steward for defence.

  The day had taken to full sun now with a dry air smelling of the baking earth around him. It had been some time since the last rains at the bordello. When he had asked her, Valeena assured him water was not an issue. Accompanying the dryness was the scent of a few lone pines, as they too had baked in the sun for many days straight now.

  “Bobby, where are you?” Beth called from the front door.

  “I’m over here,” he responded waving to her from between two large boulders.

  “Oh good. Wait there, I’ll come over.”

  He watched her walk towards him. She was not trying to seduce with any hint of sensuality to her stride - she looked determined with a definite spring in her step.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Just taking a walk outside here in the morning sun.”

  “It will be brutal later. By around two we’ll really feel the heat.”

  “I thought so. It looks dry.”

  “Would you like to go for a walk? Valeena said she suddenly has something to attend to and I figured we could spend some time together as I have nothing to do at the house today.”

  “Sure. I have decided to stay another night if it is alright with you and Valeena.”

  “No problem Bobby. We would love you to stay. I bet you hadn’t figured you would be here at this time yesterday.”