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  • Times Escape : Book One in the Adventures of Bobby Regal Space Commander Page 2

Times Escape : Book One in the Adventures of Bobby Regal Space Commander Read online

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  “Come on then, I’ll show you space commander.”

  “Ah yeah, coming. What is your name?”

  “Bethany, but you call can me Beth. I have never met someone as famous as you before Bobby. Come, let’s go in.”

  Beth led Bobby inside to the bedroom – a lavishly appointed suite he thought must be reserved for special clients. And then it hit him. He was in a bordello under the gaze of Beth’s alluring eyes. He turned around to look at her close behind him.

  She was eyeing him and sizing him up for her own tastes with a look on her face suggesting she felt attracted to his tall physique. He had seen this before from some women who looked as if they would have loved to spend the night with the Steward of Earth Defences, and he had rejected most of their flirting, except for a few. This time though, Bobby felt as if it was Beth in command...and Valeena. He had been in this house for less than an hour and already he was being led into events where it seemed his choices were being made for him. Bobby never allowed such lapse of focus, and so now it surprised him to suddenly find himself where he was. In an instant he took charge by willingly accepting the situation and projecting his own intentions of humble control into the atmosphere around him.

  Beth immediately picked up on this from Bobby and could not resist. Here was a man who met her on her level the instant she called him to and this was more alluring to her than her looks were to him. She pushed herself into Bobby allowing him to feel her contours against his. She knew it would make him hard and she had all at hand to take advantage of how much he could give her.

  Both of them were in command of self embellishing elements exhibiting freedom in character and as such they met in a place relative to their strengths, willing to expose themselves without inhibition.

  Within minutes they were in embrace inside of each other invoking their deepest infatuations. She held him claw like as he penetrated her presence in ways to lure their most wild selves into the moments. Their strength and tenacity both demand passionate expression to realise satiation of the hunger they were building which gave them the persistence to last until they could no longer. She had his seed and he had given without decision, again he lost sense of control, yet was where he was meant to be on those moments.

  Now they lay upon the bed where Beth had drawn out a sheet to cover the mattress for their love making. It was arbitrary for her to remain long enough before she dared just leave him. Neither of them was particularly talkative, and so after fifteen minutes of listlessness, Beth quickly arose telling Bobby she had work to do before dinner. He was nonchalant about her leaving, lost to a dreamy state he had not experienced in many years since prior to joining the space command forces.

  When it came to be just before eight, Bobby took a shower and then quickly dressed for dinner. On his way down the curved ornate wooden stairs carpeted in a rich burgundy pile, he met Valeena who herself was making her way to the dining room. Sensing his sheepishness, Valeena immediately and correctly assumed Bobby had experienced some relief. She was dressed provocatively and so she lingered with the thoughts of her too sampling some of what Bobby could offer.

  He shuffled for a moment, brushed aside his medium length hair, and then gave her a smile. She knew it was on now...for later. He paused a few moments as if to allow her passage in a chivalrous way, and she took the cue, at once offering her arm for him to take her.

  “Perhaps we can spend the evening together after dinner Bobby. I would so love to know more about what it is like to be a space commander and Steward of Earth Defences.”

  “I am sure you would Valeena. I can only hope I live up to your expectations.”

  “I think you will, in fact I know you will Bobby.”

  “You sound resolute Valeena.”

  “One has to be if one is to succeed.”

  “Indeed, but succeed at what?”

  “Whatever choice presents itself.”

  Chapter 2

  A sumptuous meal was satisfying in satiating their hunger, yet for all present there remained a hunger still fervent. Beth and Bobby sat at either side of the long rectangular table, with Valeena at the head. She would often spend moments at the head tantalizing her own tastes and imbibing the juices of the plentiful offerings laid before her. Tonight was no exception as she looked first at Bobby and then at Beth.

  Beth’s long black straight hair was lovely and his confidence projected an energy to her she knew could only come from a space commander of such high ranks. Bobby was an exception to any others she had known. She had just enjoyed a fine meal and now she longed for something different. The lingering taste of meat evoked her sense – she loved the prime cuts best and she loved to toil, soaking in juices before swallowing. Valeena was a sensual woman and she lived as a sensual woman free without any vice she thought, unaware her ways were the very thing.

  Bobby considered his earlier liaison with Beth thinking tension may become apparent between the two women, but as he sensed their fleeting glances to one another, he could tell they were communicating on the very thing. Both seemed pleased at each other’s answers to questions sought with eyes and slight body movements. He loved how women communicated this way and he loved how he was able to watch intrigued about where the night would progress.

  No further could he have been from the truth than with Valeena and Beth on this night. Neither were like any other woman he had met – he knew they were, yet he wrongly assumed his prowess would speak louder volumes than it could. Bobby was in his element though as all three of them were around the same age so he knew there were generational influences at play.

  Growing up in the forties had been an extravagant affair with life lived easily by most as they enjoyed the benefits of the burgeoning space race. Since the first days of flight at the end of the nineteenth century, human beings had taken to the skies in an unheralded fashion far from the slow conservative approach of their predecessors. Gone were the days of slow land based travel in vehicles often taking hours to travel between cities – now all enjoyed the developments in travel made through rapid advancements made just twenty years before this day, and the outbreak of war with Vindor.

  As they bathed in this golden age of human kind, they were given to many instances of leisure mixed with hard work for a progressive betterment for all where money was no object. Life had become uncomplicated and restraint through condition lost.

  Beyond mere physical existence, Valeena had established a bordello of refinement demonstrating an avid sense of pride. With her, Beth, her devoted companion inspired with love as she sought elevation Valenna offered.

  She had joined her in open appreciation to apply herself for the house Valeena had created. Beth knew why it was never to be seen outside as it was inside. She could feel the presence Valeena held, and she admired her slender sensual form - for Beth and her were bound by nature to be together. Now she had grown with Valeena to realise more of herself and become the true Bethany she always felt in her heart, and alongside her, Valeena too had taken to new expression and deeper meaning for passion. It had always been Valeena’s destiny to explore this character in life, and with Beth’s coming, she had breathed her first real tenuous moment towards authentic presence.

  Bobby could see their chests heaving with deep breaths as they sat just looking at each other. Nobody spoke aloud, yet they were deep in conversation. He watched their breasts rise and fall with each breath, noticing evocation in their eyes. His own sense of pride was lost – they were taking him, they were having him, so he was theirs. Bobby Regal Steward of Earth Defences was almost defenceless. Something inside him was giving in, yet something inside him was growing.

  It was hard for him to feel at first after his submission had rendered his state as somewhat limp. Then as he sat erect in his chair, Bobby felt an ironic confidence he had never experienced. Forces were at work shaping these moments and the intentions for them all were similar to battles he had won over the Vindors. It was always a game and a test to see who was victorious,
as were the stakes here and now.

  “Let’s go through to the sitting room. There are no guests tonight so we have it entirely to ourselves. Come Bobby, come Beth.”

  Valeena led the way without so much of an utterance from the other two until Beth spoke softly indicating Bobby could sit on the long large lounge by the windows. He gave her a quick glance in return before sitting where he assumed there was going to be a period of time for the three of them where they would sit and talk over a few drinks.

  Again his assumptions were wrong. Valeena sat on his left with Beth on the right side. Their intentions were obvious to Bobby now – they wanted more from him than mere conversation, and from what he could tell through their movements and postures, they were seeking their own particular type of love.

  Bobby had already performed for Beth and the moment he cast a quick glance to Valeena, Bobby could tell she was in the same place as Beth yet more determined in her own way. She had not yet sampled his best as Beth had. Valeena wanted him like no other man she could remember and there was rarely ever anything standing in her way of acquiring what she wanted. Her business depended on it, as did her psychology and her life. She would take him and Beth and together the three of them would explore the wilderness not just of immediate space, nor just of outer space, but deep into the throngs of inner space.

  “Tell me Bobby, how hard is it being a space commander?”

  “Quite hard Valeena. There are a lot of derivatives falling into place once one has assumed the role of space commander. One can never be soft, yet one has to be compassionate...not to Vindors though. They bring death to this sector of the galaxy and the best thing we can do is to turn back their inroads as fast as possible.”

  “Are they not just another race looking for survival?”

  “In a way yes. We all know their war against us is to raid gold at the expense of humanity and Earth. We think we know of their reason but with Vindors you can never be certain.”

  “What is your best play Bobby?” Beth looked at Bobby through alluring eyes flashing left and right as they radiated their blue brilliance.

  “I have a few up my sleeve Beth. Some say I am the master of deceit when it comes to battle tactics, and others regard me as their best pilot. I suppose it could be a mix of the two.”

  “Does this satisfy your ego?”

  “Um...I never really think about satisfying my ego, but looking back at it, you could say it does in a way.”

  “What else does your ego needs to express Bobby?” Valeena was working with Beth in exchange as they tried to evoke a loss of control in Bobby.

  “What do you mean Valeena?”

  “I would like to see how expressive you could be, and I know Beth wants to see more.”

  “What is this about? I am ready for service any time ladies – it is in my genes to be upright and ready for action.”

  “I am so pleased to hear you say so Bobby. I have something to ask of you.”

  Bobby knew what was coming and quite frankly he had no objection to what Valeena and Beth would want from him and they had no objection to asking him directly.

  “You must attend to us both Bobby. You are a space commander and we are entitled to some of your attributes.”

  “How do you come to such a conclusion?”

  “You are Steward of Earth Defences and so under the title falls obligation to protect people of Earth.”

  “I am not sure it goes beyond my role as space commander though.”

  “Are you sure? Beth and I think differently and she has already sampled what we both require.”

  “Are you saying you need to join with me Valeena?”

  “I think my intentions are obvious by now.”

  “Surely you have seen many men come and go here at your house. Why am I different?”

  “You have the seed we need Bobby. You are special amongst the many and your genes are unique as it is for all stewards.”

  “I am not willing to father you a child.”

  “It is in your seed of essence. We seek no child from you as you put it.”

  “This sounds confusing.”

  “How confusing can it be? Two lovely women want you to want them Bobby. Beth has already had you and she wants more. These simple conversations will never substitute. Are you willing?”

  “I suppose it is a bordello...”

  “My house has nothing to do with it. You see a house some would call a house of ill repute, well, it is not as you would expect...”

  “I think it best I retire for the night and consider your request.”

  “By your means Bobby. We would only seek your seed if you were willing...as I know you are. Take time to consider.”

  Bobby left Beth and Valeena to themselves in the sitting room, making his way outside for a few moments of fresh air before he retired for the night. He knew something was afoot here and the intrigue of its mystery was drawing him into persisting with finding the solution. Valeena had said the bordello was known by many yet Bobby was certain it was known by few. It was a place far away from any regular thoroughfare and so held within its walls two women of intrigue presenting an angle of approach to him he somehow could not resist. He was staring up at the stars overhead as he thought – a place like a second home now he had spent so many hours piloting his rocket.

  Space had offered him sanctuary and realisation from testing his strengths and weaknesses on his way to forming his sense of self. Now it seemed all had almost been undone as Valeena and Beth challenged his normal firm grip on reality.

  He could see a number of space craft traversing the night sky – likely to be small squadrons of space pilots like him. They reminded him of where he was to return within a few short weeks, prompting him to let go of his rising feelings of concern and just immerse himself into the moment. Bobby was far from any official station, far from any civilisation, and far from his duties so he thought. He rarely ever let down his guard but on this occasion Beth and Valeena left him struggling to define his questions. He decided just to embrace the night and allow his own intuitions to play knowing any momentary indiscretion in his degree of self control, was merely part of how events were playing out.

  It was peaceful as he stared outward with barely a whisper of wind nor any hindrance from being bothered by insects gathering around the front light outside the house. Beyond the sphere of its glow shining out to his car where it reflected a dull gleam, wilderness prevailed as it did behind him inside. In front was the unknown and so too were the intentions of both Valeena and Beth. Bobby knew the countryside would reveal its innocence in the light of day and so its mystery within the night was somewhat negated the more he considered the view into the darkness. He was not sure of the innocence within the bordello though, despite it being caressed with light here and there in a somewhat homely fashion.

  As he stood listening to the sound of crickets, an owl suddenly streaked across his view on its way to catching a mouse in the grass just by the front gate. Bobby didn’t flinch when it flew past mere inches from his face – he was used to sudden intrusions as a space commander and was equipped with the capacity to quickly analyse any intrusion and take steps to counteract. He need do nothing in this instance though as the owl was gone moments later with the mouse dangling from its talons.

  The owl reflected back to him the possibility the two women inside the house were of similar ilk – out for a hunt and ready to snap him up to feed their own hunger. Bobby was right as they were precisely of this way yet they were somehow different and had some motivation he wanted to discover. He wondered if they had their own type of wisdom exhibited through the bird of prey – cunning in its efforts to meet its needs. Being women of a bordello, Bobby’s wisdom could sense they were often players of games as they themselves were the object of other players’ games.

  He decided it was time to retire for the night after a significant period of rest just looking out into the darkness. This was his main stay as a space commander within the inky
depths of space, yet here on Earth, this vision gave him the sanctity he felt when he was a child dreaming of becoming a space pilot. At the last, Bobby turned for one last look out to the night sky where he saw something he had never seen before.

  A distinct difference had been established in the skies far to his right. Normally clustered with stars, this region now appeared almost void of heavenly bodies. Bobby knew star maps inside out – it was a prerequisite for appointment as a space commander, so this change immediately sparked his interest. He decided to see if Beth or Valeena had noticed this knowing both women were still awake and likely to be so well beyond the midnight hour.

  “Have you noticed there is a change to the night sky Beth?”

  “Of course I have Bobby. Naturally with the coming of such a prominent space pilot as yourself, I have taken the time to look and consider what inspires you to take to the stars. I had a look earlier and thought it was a cloud perhaps.”

  “It is no cloud Beth. The sky is clear.”

  “What do you think it could be then Bobby?”

  “I am not sure. Maybe there is some action going on out of the atmosphere we do not know about.”

  “I thought the Steward of Earth Defences would be privy to all information regarding space tactics.”

  “You would think so, but in order to protect me and Earth, I am only provided with sufficient information to uphold my position. It may well be a science related thing anyway, which is out of my scope.”

  “We have a scope. Maybe you would like to use it and have a closer look.”

  “A telescope?”

  “Yes. I think Valeena would be willing to lend it to you.”

  “Hmm, maybe not. I don’t think I could see anything more through a scope than I can see with my naked eyes. The magnification would simply be insufficient.”