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Times Escape : Book One in the Adventures of Bobby Regal Space Commander Page 8

  “It can be fun,” she replied taking the glass from his hand. For a second their touch sent shivers through them. Valeena could feel it as well – now the procedure was complete, they could indulge another late night without any sense of purpose aside from pleasure.

  As the hours passed, so too did they pass themselves to each other in moments of intimacy linked to nothing other than their physical attachments. It was pure pleasure bereft now of need for the two women, and a time of free lust for Bobby as he delivered all they asked of him. His prowess this time drew forth deep moans of pleasure, squeals of delight, and movements of erotica driving him headlong into the universal place they each sought. Without hesitation they indulged their carnality to express their utmost almost animal nature as they gushed with elemental longing to eclipse their physical presence.

  With each motion of love, Bobby noticed how both Valeena and Bethany loosened their grip on control, and as those moments unfolded amongst his own ecstasy, he allowed his own pleasurable expression urging them to show more of their true selves. Each new height of love was another in their revelation. Bobby could see who they really were – wild and deceptive.

  Chapter 7

  Snowbound and dreary, the morning was grey with little to offer should one choose to go outside. Bobby awoke to see the landscape under this blanket of white some six inches deep after a night lasting until those hours of pre-dawn where the sky begins to lose its night time shade. Being almost ten, he marvelled at having slept so late despite retiring to sleep at such an hour – Bobby was an early riser given he was bound most often to space duties.

  Beth and Valeena were already awake when he went downstairs to the kitchen. They were sitting fireside with coffee cupped in their hands and looks of consternation on their faces. Today their seeding process would demand they attend the machine in service to their ends with regular visits to the room in which it was housed. Their minds now were of determining ways they could maintain cover and prevent Bobby from gaining knowledge of their real intentions.

  Bobby noticed they were again dressed in period costume though not as lavish as what they wore the previous night. It somehow was befitting the situation as he considered this timeless bordello decorated with items from various periods to now be a part of them as they were a part of the house itself. He had again dressed in the clothes Valeena had given him. They were his now to keep as she would never consider retaining them for some other client to use second hand.

  “How are we this morning ladies?”

  “Fine thanks to you,” Beth replied on behalf of them both. Valeena was staring into the fire to which Bobby immediately went offering any help required. Without a word, she indicated all was well, so he relaxed, walked to the table and poured himself a cup of coffee.

  “Perhaps I could clear some snow away from the front of the house.”

  “It would help me Bobby,” Valeena replied thinking the distraction of snow clearing would allow her to attend the incubation machine without him noticing. There was a good two feet of snow piled up in drifts around the front of the house.

  “How are you feeling Bethany?”

  “I am well this morning thanks Bobby. Perhaps I can help you clear away...”

  “I was hoping you would have time to help me.”

  “Um, sure Valeena. I just thought...”

  “I can clear the snow myself. Anyway, I would expect the temperature to heat up and melt this summer snow during the day.”

  “You could be right Robert,” Bethany replied knowing there would be no such melt today as this was the first seasonal snow to settle.

  “Perhaps you could give the radio a try and see if there is any weather report advising on the state of affairs.”

  “I’ll see to it myself and let you know,” Valeena replied eager to cover any instance where Bobby might assert intellectual control.

  Outside a brisk wind caught Bobby’s breath – he was not prepared for how cold the chill was coming from the north. Bethany had given him a shovel from beside the fireplace in the kitchen, so he immediately began clearing away snow to counteract the effects of the cold. Soon enough, his efforts of exertion had him drawing deeper breaths resulting in warm misty exhales clouding his face at times. After fifteen minutes he decided to take a break and sit on the bench seat on the veranda to the left of the front door.

  For a time, he simply peered outward at the wintery landscape not really looking at anything, rather just letting his mind and body relax. When he came around from this temporary wandering, he began to notice the terrain opposite the bordello. There was something amiss where he saw the vegetation was greener and there was more of it in places he was sure did not have such full a cover on his previous ventures in these parts. There was work to be done however, so Bobby left his inquiry for a later time where he would take it upon himself to walk out amongst the snows and check the area properly.

  Watching him through upstairs windows, Beth stood guard at the room adjacent to where Valeena was tending the seed. She could see Bobby stand for a short time surveying his surrounds hoping he would take up shovelling again and not come back inside. Beth and Valeena were between moments as Valeena worked with their machine containing the vital seed – it was a three stage process.

  The first stage was to gather and prepare, with the following stage requiring attendance in real time to monitor the device as it commenced incubation. At the last, would be the birth of the new life itself. This was their call at present and it would take them two more days of keeping Bobby at bay where they would not be able to gather as three until it was done.

  Static charge flowed across the dull metal grey vessel holding the growing life inside. It would have sparkled had it been constructed of a reflective metal, but as it was, only a dull lustre could be seen coming from its flecked surface. At its head was the main coil – a doughnut shaped copper electrostatic conductor for high energy transference to facilitate rapid incubation in the main chamber. Within this space was sufficient room for the growth of an infant which at stage three of the process, would come to life with birth a mere five days after the second incubation process was completed. In all, the new child would be of this world one week after Valeena and Beth had been given seed by Bobby.

  When Bobby had returned to clearing away snow, Beth could relax as Valeena continued to monitor the machine. Through its transparent main chamber door, a new life of cellular organic tissue pulsing and shifting shape could be seen growing. Its apparition was ugly, resembling nothing of the outward beauty of either mothers or father. Inwardly, beauty would never be its’ concurrence for it was to be the one, the first, and the manifest of ugliness for all humanity as a cross breed, insulting their virtues, especially Bobby’s.

  This stage was the most delicate. To date, only tested in laboratories on their distant home world, this was the first ever instance of live cell growth within an incubation machine invented by professors within the ranks of Vindor hierarchy. Science was deemed as important as pride in their quest for dominance, thus scientists were given special office and privilege within the government. They had provided the upper hand in many battles with forces commanded by the likes of Bobby, with their spherical space craft capable of feats of flight beyond the fancy of any previous construction. Armaments within these ships were the latest development at the frontier of particle weapons and other distortion time. Though still early in its progress, they considered time distortion weapons to be the catalyst in their overcoming the human race once and for all.

  Valeena prompted Beth to go and talk with Bobby whilst she attended to communications with their home planet via the sub-space faster than light communications portal. Established as a direct link from the bordello to their administrative centre, a carrier wave eclipsing the tyranny of distance via lateral transponders, permitted almost instantaneous send and receive functions using technology humanity was yet to discover thus rendering it invisible to detection. Her call was to Froe
nd, leader of new office for Earth based strategies.

  “Froend, this is Valeena of Earth, please respond.”

  “This is Froend speaking. You have an update?”

  “Indeed I do. Incubation is proceeding nominally according to specification. Gestation has reached stage two without recourse. Results are as expected.”

  “Good work Valeena. And of Beth? Has her seeded egg successfully integrated? We need hers to be successful to enable fertilisation with a human.”

  “Yes, both eggs are in live duplication as cell growth accelerates.”

  “Then you will expect this new life within one Earth week. Stand by for advice on further assistance.”

  “Acknowledged sir. Will the parliament provide the people with cause for celebration?”

  “Only after successful cloning. Until then, all notice of this endeavour is suspended for security reasons.”

  “Understood Froend. I will await further instructions.”

  This was by no means the conclusion of Valeena’s communications – she was required to transmit the array of feelings and responses both her and Beth had experienced personally, and those coming from Bobby. These details were to be essential for the creation of a balanced, energetic clone encapsulating the emotions of both Vindors and humans.

  Initiating the emotive transponder communication was a much more detailed affair. Aside from establishing a standard communications link, Valeena was required to harness the power of her emotions to connect with the device and send a carrier wave based on the strength of her heart. As dedicated as she was to the fulfilment of Vindor aspirations of pride, she encountered a degree of blockage requiring her to fully focus on her deepest feelings. After a minute or two, she was able to direct her feelings into this lineal transmission – a requirement quite difficult considering the lateral aspect of emotion. Within this sphere of emotive influence, she transmitted both her own and Beth’s feelings, for Beth had passed on her own sense of self in response to creating her seed to her.

  Vindors had a unique telepathic way to show emotions to each other, and this was all Valeena required to encompass Beth within her own field of transmission. As for Bobby, his responses and demonstrations of emotion, were attached like a file sent in addition to a message – this was the easier part, for his psyche simply could not connect with the device as a Vindor would connect.

  “Look at how much snow you have cleared Robert. What a fine effort.”

  “It is not so much Bethany. Anything can be done with a bit of backbone.”

  “I must agree there. Is there anything you need?”

  “Only what I can provide for myself at this time. There is something I must determine, but I will finish this snow clearing first. Strange how the weather appears to be setting in. There will be little if any melt today.”

  “Do you know weather patterns?”

  “It is part of our space training to have sufficient understanding of how the weather behaves.”

  Bethany watched him as he continued to shovel snow. She was looking for any meaning other than his statement, afraid he was wise to the deception she was playing. Without any hint to alert her, she felt he was casual in his aptitude at present, seeking no further inquiry than what he could observe.

  He knew she was watching him and wondering if he was suspicious – their games had become obvious and he knew she was seeing if he gave any hint to knowing what they were. Of course he knew there was much more than some idea of witchcraft through showing behaviour akin to character traits where deception and muse were part of the play. There was an art to their ways requiring deep reflection in consideration of the possibilities arising in his mind. They were presenting to him concepts not young, as through the ages humans had delved into the mystery of self and the portrayal of deception, yet what Beth and Valeena presented was anew and striking in the accord they sought.

  “You know we don’t need the entire front area cleared,” Beth said when after watching him silently for five minutes, she saw him move further out front towards the road.

  “It’s alright Bethany. It gives me something to spend my energy on. You must know by now how I am physically fit, so I need to use some energy.”

  “Maybe we could look inside...”

  “I am not ready for bed. I sure appreciate what you and Valeena have done for me – I didn’t know I could experience so much pleasure, but...there is more to life than pure pleasure.”

  “Not much more when you are a bordello.”

  “You have a point. If I get into this, I will have a good section cleared away. Perhaps it will be time for lunch afterwards.”

  “Sure. I’ll go and let Valeena know. She is busy with bordello matters.”

  “Are you expecting clients?”

  “I cannot say.”

  He watched her leave without letting her know he was watching. Part of his strategy feeding his intrigue, was how he could covertly spy without them knowing. Bobby hoped they would lead him to where he thought they were going without hinting as to his intentions all along by way of actions, looks, or conversation.

  The snow was clear all the way down the pathway from the front door, to the gate and beyond with sufficient room to park four vehicles in the space Bobby had cleared. Sun barely filtered through laden skies and he began to wonder if his effort had been in vain with the look of more snow coming. The air was still now, giving a serene sense of quiet further isolating the bordello in location and seemingly in time. All he could see aside from the snow covered trees, bushes, and boulders, was the unkempt looking bordello and a few sheds of wood and iron appearing timeless as if from the last century. He thought then of checking his car, so with his job done, he left to walk over to the shed at the right rear of the house.

  The snow drifts were deeper here than at the front, meaning for slow going as his boots went straight through to the ground below. A few steps through a drift took him to struggling out of holes he created with snow almost to chest height at times.

  When he did reach the shed some eighty yards on, he had to clear away snow before he could open the door enough to view his car inside. Surprisingly, he saw it was covered in dust as if it had been parked there for years on end. A brief period of digging was all it took then to clear away enough snow so he could go inside and have a closer look.

  Upon closer inspection, Bobby thought there must have been a lot of dust brought in underneath the clouds as the snow storm approached the evening before. Why almost all of it had stuck to his car was a mystery – ‘aside from there being a strong ionic charge in the air,’ so he thought after seemingly being able to smell electricity. It was the only explanation he could determine relying on basic science of positive and negative charged particles. His thoughts then again turned to his knowledge of weather, yet this brought him no answer.

  ‘There is no storm charged enough to cause this much particle attraction. Only category five winds could do this and if they had dropped in here, I wouldn’t be standing here.’ His analysis of the situation was alluding to something foreign. The deeper intrigue began to work on him again, but this time he was beginning to confirm what he had heard of theory, yet had never witnessed.

  Bobby left his car – there was nothing further to see in the shed and its condition despite the dust, was how he had left it...from what he could remember considering his inebriated state upon arrival back from Jonathon’s. Lunch was about due, so there was nothing else aside than to go back inside and indulge the women and himself once more. At the last before entering the back door to the kitchen, he hauled in an armful of wood much to Beth’s delight when she gave him a smile upon seeing his effort.

  “Thank you,” she said before kissing him on the cheek.

  “My pleasure Beth...”

  “Our pleasure.”

  “Okay. Our pleasure then. Is lunch ready?”

  “I was about to call you. Join me at the table. It is already served.”

  “What about Valeena?”
br />   “She has already eaten and gone back to her work...accounts or something.”

  “I see. I suppose we all have those mundane tasks. What about you? There doesn’t seem much for you to do at the moment Bethany.”

  “There is you. I have you to do. We could spend the afternoon together.”

  “We will be anyway. I’ve cleared enough snow and it even looks like we might be in for more, so inside it is for me this afternoon.”

  “Thanks for the wood. It will keep us warm.”

  “I don’t normally speak with my mouth full, but I have to say this is a fine lunch.”

  “Anything for you. Any way I can please you, then just ask. Any time.”

  “I don’t really need too much thanks Bethany. There is something you might be able to do though. What about fetching the radio from Valeena. I wouldn’t mind listening to the broadcast this afternoon.”

  “I’ll see what I can do. I’m sure she won’t be needing it. For now though, let’s just relax and enjoy the warmth by the fire.”

  “Let the lunch meal settle hey. Why not? I don’t mind sitting with you.”

  “I’m glad. Spending time with you is so refreshing compared to most other times...and clients.”

  Bobby could already see the afternoon with Bethany would end up going nowhere aside from the obvious sense of erotica she displayed to him through her body language and voice tones. Underpinning almost every move, every nuance, was this desire for sexual expression – she was honing in on his male traits hoping to evoke only what she sought for herself, and as an effort to allow Valeena time to mind the incubation machine. She did want Bobby purely for self pleasure, but she knew maintaining this front of distraction was imperative to both women.

  He grew tired quickly as their conversation failed to deliver to his intrigue with her round about ways of responding to subtle suggestive questions he posed to her. There was no way he would crack this egg with his present approach as their conversation was becoming a scramble of mixed words interjected with lines Beth gave to him sounding as if she had poached them from all of the clichéd romantic texts she had ever seen. He deliberated on whether spending time in her erotic fantasies might see her slip up and reveal something to him.