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  • Times Escape : Book One in the Adventures of Bobby Regal Space Commander Page 7

Times Escape : Book One in the Adventures of Bobby Regal Space Commander Read online

Page 7

“By all means discover all you like. In fact, both Valeena and I were hoping you would really begin your search, for you have expressed your seed to us on three occasions and it is fitting you enquire as to why we have persisted with loving as it has been.”

  “I am beginning to see there is little to discern between you and Valeena Bethany. It is as if you have taken on almost identical roles.”

  “Our lives are of similar ilk, but for now it is time we enjoyed supper.”

  Within the hour they were seated in the dining room as the first flakes of snow began to fall. Valeena had kept the light low using candles at this time and so only a few flakes could be seen beyond the dimly lit window. Bobby watched this as he masticated – the meat Valeena had served was not tough, but it did require he chew slowly and deliberately to experience its’ full flavour.

  “The snow is lovely wouldn’t you say Robert?”

  “I do agree Valeena, but am mystified as to is’ presence during the height of summer.”

  “Life is full of mysteries and intrigue...”

  “Hmm, perhaps I should check on my car in case...”

  “Please relax a little and enjoy our company. It will be fine.” Valeena cast a quick glance to Beth who immediately took over to calm Bobby’s mood. They could see he was beginning to tire from this game and without their full seed germinated they could lose all they had gained – one more night was required. It would be the penultimate period to their success and encapsulation of the psyche of Steward of Earth Defences.

  “Go with us and relax. We can see your mood.”

  “I am starting to go beyond this cordiality. Maybe I am seeking some answers. This time here at the bordello is strangely draining and yet I am wanting more. What is it that you two are doing? I am feeling as if I am unwilling to approach myself and some glaze of haze is permeating my mind. You are not drugging me are you?”

  “No, indeed not. We would never dream of drugging you Bobby. Please just indulge us this last evening. Maybe you will find it suitable to move on tomorrow, but please, we are lonely here often and to have such an astute gentleman in our midst is frankly, our fantasies realised.”

  “I can offer you this last night, but after tomorrow I really must reassess my position.”

  “What of another position with us? We can all share one last time of intimacy together.” Valeena looked to Beth whose eyes already spoke of the lust they both sought from Bobby.

  “I suppose it cannot hurt. One more night.”

  Beth led Valeena and Bobby away from the table where the meal remained in situation. At the mention of intimacy, they were captured with feelings and simply discarded the meal to indulge in satiating the hunger for flesh and the culmination of climax Beth and Valeena sought from Bobby. His seed and their seed were to mix together and so in lust they all sought sensibility yet for different outcomes. As the women in cahoots, teamed to ride Bobby, their ends were separate yet they would combine as the final act of allurement of him.

  They could barely bare to take the time to formally undress so intent on being with Bobby as they were. It was however a requirement for their dress made it far too awkward to satisfy their desires. He was taken with the fervour they displayed in disrobing, he was taken with their nakedness, and he was taken by them. Implicit in their reckoning, was the expression of rawness, a wildness, and acts of carnality Bobby was surprised existed within these two women. Where they had been previously was a mere lead to where they were taking him now – both of them serviced him and serviced themselves in fluid motion, set upon desire speaking from deep within their sub-conscious.

  The whiteness outside was also within. As snows virgin in nature accumulated, so too did virgin moments take place where as a trio, all three of them took to new heights of sexual expression – Bobby knew not of this within him until Beth and Valeena drew his inner self to the surface. Where he thought he had gone as far as he could reach previously with them, this fourth time developed almost into frenzy, holding off until time was right. It was long after midnight when they finished and all fell into slumber where they ended.

  It had already begun – a seed tends to germinate when given sustenance by which to instigate propagation. This night was the final endeavour on the part of Valeena and Beth on their way to spawning new life within life. As father was to son and mother to daughter, so now cells divided in rapid ascension towards life anew, created from the mix of seed and engineered to engineer.

  As the first to awaken amidst a snow covered landscape held in the depths of early winter, Valeena took to her most private room – a place where she was the only ever occupant. Inside, an array of machines held place in sequence just as experience had been with Beth and Bobby. This sequence was a measure of lineal devotion and so the machines were the crib of the seed, giving rise to a birth crossed between worlds and times, and crossed between loves.

  Her first task required insertion of a probe deep beyond her vaginal gateway for extraction of the fertilised egg at Bobby’s proviso. It had an electric end with a coil fashioned for channelling current. At the end which she held, it featured a small operating button – a simply switch on and switch off circuit breaker, yet not only did it switch the device on, but it also commenced its’ operations. She gave a slight sound of sensation upon insertion, which changed to a deeply voiced satisfaction when the probe removed the seed Bobby had helped create. She looked down at the new life contained within the twelve inch long tubular body of the probe and ready for incubation, before moving to another device located within an antique wooden cabinet.

  It was a feat of technological marvel given it contained the means to supply nourishment and heat for the life in a sustained state held until this cycle of germination was complete. Equipped with a remarkable wound copper coil shaped as a torus, a control mechanism of light projected holographic buttons, and a chamber made of unearthly metals, it was at the ready in standby mode for its initial engagement. Never had such a machine been used and never had the Vindors potentially held so much of humanity’s destiny.

  This was the reason, it was the purpose, and Bobby was the catalyst for what Valeena and Beth were to begin. They were agents of time, agents of pleasure, agents of impeccability, and agents of the Vindor head of state.

  Soon Beth would add her own to the machine into which Valeena had inserted the filled probe into the incubation chamber for the seven day period of gestation. Together they would herald a new age for the planet Vindor – an age they were certain humanity had no means to conceive. Vindor and human progeny would arise to be of a new race, a new sense, and of heightened appreciation of the Vindor ways of pride.

  The child combined would serve to take the human population to a place where they were to readily accept their role as servants to Vindors. A unique combination of two women and one man, the seed it would have no siblings for it was to one of its own, unbound in potential for creating new sentiency. Gifted with the best attributes of both humans and Vindors, its intelligence quotient would suffice to reason the skills required to clone the very first male and female of its type, and thus with the aid of technology, breed this new race in time short enough to affect the populous numbers upon the Earth with its dominance through its breeding.

  As she set the machine ready to accept Beth’s contribution, Valeena could hear Bobby and her laughing – they were awake now so it was time for her to return to the bed and allow Beth to vacate long enough for her to repeat the process Valeena had just completed. It would be the only time Beth would ever enter the room as Valeena would then rare their combined offspring to fulfil the objective of breeding a servant human race as their superior officer Froend had demanded.

  “You sound very satisfied with yourself Robert.”

  “Indeed I am. With the company of such splendid women, a man can only feel he is appreciated.”

  “And you are. With the hour being so late, might it be appropriate for us to retire a while to the sitting room for a drink? The fire is g
oing to keep us warm against the snows.”

  “Ah yes. I do have such a thirst. This snow is surprising. I cannot recall such a heavy storm during the hot months.”

  “With the weather behaving weird, I suppose we can expect the unexpected.”

  “I’ll take leave for a few minutes whilst I freshen up Valeena. Take Robert through to the fire and I will join you shortly.”

  “By your leave then Bethany,” Robert said giving her a pinch on the arm as she rose from the bed.

  “And yours too. Pour me a drink will you please Valeena, I shall not be long.” She lifted her dress to part it along her leg exposing skin deep into her thigh. Bobby saw this fleeting tease and felt a pang of arousal Beth so easily brought out of him.

  “From whence do you acquire such virtue Valeena? I am more than interested, for it appears as though you may well be timeless as those of such ilk can be.”

  “Sour mash. Yes, sour mash whiskey. Perhaps it is a drink opening your mind to such revelations Robert, for they are in truth, honest and objective in sight of prevailing circumstances.”

  “It is more than this mere drink Valeena, though I will concur, it has permitted me to relax and to then consider.”

  “Then consider at will and perhaps you may bequeath unto us, more of your own personal grace. In answer to your poignant question, I resolve to there being less behind my virtues than perhaps you have considered.”

  “Surely you are not implying delving into your psyche is a dross matter.”

  “Oh the opposite. In fact, it is my humbleness speaking forthwith at present.”

  “And yet, merely through such casual idiom, you exhibit the very essence bearing witness to me. Mysterious as the ages are, they speak nothing in comparison to your grace, to your poise, or to your mind. I must know more and hence you must abide me to inform how it is you are of such auspicious fortune.”

  “Why Robert, this house is no measure of greatness.”

  “Yet within its’ walls there lingers so. And...your manner, your companion, and your bed, are all of such taste.”

  “Are you then fond of the taste offered?”

  “Surely you see it is the basis of my questioning and my grasp of meaning.”

  “Well, pertinent to the matter, I can offer you an explanation, but you must persist with your inquiry for my mysterious nature as you put it, must allude to yet even further mystery.”

  “Indeed so. Mystery intrigues me for at its foundations are often those moments of revelation where impact may carry onward from such a point to render a life changed.”

  “I hope my words do not strike you as inappropriate Robert. My explanation in revealing some mystery to you may not meet your expectations, for I can sense a man of such calibre who attains the position of Steward of Earth Defences, would seek conciliation at a very deep level.”

  “Truth has never been put so well, but surely a woman with such graces must attune to the idea of storytelling in some degree. Your strength of vocation is apparent to me in how you perform so marvellously within the bed chamber...”

  Bethany returned at the precise moment where Bobby had left innuendo with Valeena, who at first was going to respond in defiance at being called a whore, but then chose Bethany’s return to ignore the fact of what he had said to her. This was the first instance Bobby has signalled any sense of ambivalence to the situation unfolding, calling on her to evoke a higher sense rather than a reactionary fumble.

  “Bethany, you inspire us with your presence. Come join Robert and I.”

  “Thank you Valeena. Sour mash? You know how much I love...”

  “I have saved it for this very special occasion. Sit here near the fire.”

  “You are freshened Bethany. I hope our time together did not lead to you feeling soiled.”

  “Of course not Robert. It was I and Valeena who invoked our session of love. We are both privileged to be in your acquaintance.”

  “I am happy and I am a lucky man, for to be alone with two such wonderful women at this fine bordello, is an inspiration.”

  “Not so much for you as for us. As you may observe, we have been a little stranded in time Robert, but with you coming to us, we are free of such insidious reckoning.”

  “Stranded in time you say. However so?”

  “Well our time here at this house has been fraught with implications upon us bearing of little to no good favour. It is as if we have been waiting here almost ageless as part of some incarceration.”

  “You have revealed nothing to allude to such illness previously since I arrived here Bethany. Quite the opposite in fact.”

  “Have you not heard of what appears to be fortune on the outside, actually being of the opposite to what really is occurring?”

  “I have and I find it still hard to conquer as a measure of your presence. Your house though of poor keeping on its exterior, reveals the opposite once one enters. Surely this, and the other facets of your experiences you have shown me, do not equate to such a poor residing in life.”

  “You have come Robert and it is as if we have waited for you all these years despite visits from many men.” Bethany was lying – there had only been enough to maintain the presence and uphold the reputation of the house being a bordello.

  “There must be reason for you to see me this way. Why is it so I am more to you than any of these other men?”

  “You have provided seed where they could not.”

  “Surely though, you do not take seed so as to gestate new life. I would image proprietors of a bordello would do whatever possible to avoid impregnation.”

  “Such a seed is not what I speak of Robert. True, there is a need for us as women to explore the virtues of motherhood, but not quite as you would expect. We have spoken of this previously. It is the essence and the energy we share.”

  “Then this seed, is it a seed of change and therefore a metaphoric seed?”

  “You have spoken well. It is a seed for change, much more than we can anticipate.”

  “How so?”

  Valeena leaned in with a soft resonate calmness to her voice, “Simple really, for we as agents of living, cannot foretell the outcomes of any case of life. It is lived in congruence with others and thus it unfolds similarly.”

  “You are indeed right there Valeena. Do you have anything to add to this abstract portrayal of you Bethany?”

  “More only of what Valeena speaks, so I really have nothing to add aside from how delightful this sour mash tastes.”

  “It is a treasured drop. Somehow its affect has a unique flavour.”

  “More than what I sampled with my dear friend Jonathon Livingston? His whiskey gave a kick any horse would be proud to deliver.”

  “It is a fine drink Robert.”

  “Yes. And so now, please tell me more of yourselves. With two such ladies present, I travel no other avenue of intrigue than to know as much as I can about you.”

  “I suppose our needs strike you as fanciful. Perhaps you see us as mere lovers of lust with some erotic pleasure neurosis.”

  “It did cross my mind, but aside from such desires of the flesh to which the many subscribe in some fashion or another, I can see there is something else beneath this outward pouring of mannerisms. There has hardly been mention of anything tangible in regards to character aside from these excursions.”

  “Valeena is a madam and so with this call in life, there are behaviours some may deem strange. Our excursions together have been nothing one would say were bizarre or inclined towards anything untoward.”

  “There is no cause within our times as a coupling I would see as untoward Bethany. It is this other, this seed. What is this seed? You have mentioned it a number of times in relation to our relations, our intimacy...”

  A brief pause on the conversation ensued for almost a minute. Bobby felt he had Bethany and Valeena in a position they would need careful consideration to explain. Something was amiss – he wanted to draw nearer to the place they found themselves. Nei
ther of the women appeared to be uncomfortable with his suggestive notion though as he drew his eyes to a squint so he could observe them both without revealing his doing. When he looked to Valeena for a few seconds, it seem dot force her to speak.

  “We are in admittance to you Robert, so time has come for confession of our intentions. You have bore witness to our desires, come with us to places as three we could not ever have imagined, and been abreast to our games of seed. It is our custom be it perhaps trivial or weird to some, to place ourselves in a cycle so together we unite in energy, combined to make a greater essence of feminine power to enact our calling. In days past we may have been cast as witches or forest spirits, but this is not a truth in these times.”

  “The seed is our seed of being. We take nothing other than what you have offered with indulgence given we are residents of this bordello. We only ask you give us seed so we can be together as one for the purpose of creation.”

  “You can tell my motivation from what Valeena has told you Robert. I am part of this as it is part of me and we are all together, parts of each other. Our days of sanctimonious harmony will arise soon for another cycle in alignment.”

  “And does this continue to be the case? You have evidenced a hunger for divinity. Such astute behaviour is a sense of self in pride reminding me of my battles in space. There too were agents of cycle working together for some inner sense of purpose divine in nature...to themselves. Surely you don’t aspire to the veracity of Vindors.”

  “We have our own place Robert. As you can see, my bordello is my world, and Bethany’s. We indulge but we are just us...” Valeena cast her eyes to Bethany who was looking at Robert. He noticed her shift to her left in his peripheral vision – there was nothing sinister from what he could see, so he felt a degree of calm resolving acceptance.

  “Then think nothing more of what I ask. I am sorry if I have cause inconvenience.”

  “Just pass me your glass and I shall refill it for you,” Bethany said reaching out towards Robert.

  “By all means. I say, I am fitting into this type of dialogue well. I think I am beginning to like this acting thing.”