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Times Escape : Book One in the Adventures of Bobby Regal Space Commander Read online

Page 5

“Thanks mate. They say if you eat black eye pea stew at the start of the year, you’re going to have a healthy year ahead. It might be true, but then what you do over time is maybe going to undo some of its work.”

  “Like these drinks.”

  “You could say. Anyway, tell me a bit about flying in space. I have wondered how you guys go flying about so far from Earth.”

  “It’s not too hard when you get used to it. Those Vindors give us a bit of stick, but if you are good enough, you can stick it back to them.”

  “Do you think they will win?”

  “No way. We have them by their Vindor balls. I took out a few dozen during my last tour of duty.”

  “The news tells us they are strong and of how you and the other pilots fight hard to protect Earth.”

  “We do, but don’t always believe what the news tells you. We have the upper hand now. It took some time, but in the end, good old tenacity and spirit took them to task. The war could be over soon.”

  “I suppose you will be going back then to finish them off.”

  “You bet I will. Say, how about another drink.”

  “Sure thing mate, here.” Jonathon poured Bobby an even stronger drink this time such as it was when drunkenness clouds judgement.

  “I bet you don’t get much of this up there.”

  “None at all. We have strict conditions.”

  “I guess space could really make you drunk considering how high up you are and how altitude affects you quickly when you drink.”

  “Space is relative, so if you are on solid ground or in a ship, you feel like both your feet are firmly planted.”

  “Sounds like your efforts last night from what you said.”

  “Sure was, though I was not counting on it.”

  “They were though.”

  “Yeah. Strange women those two, maybe I should be getting back soon.”

  “Are you a kept man?”

  “No way. I just want to know more. Put it down to my commander trait. I can’t settle sometimes until I really know what is going on.”

  “Me too.”

  “What else do you do out here. You look about thirty five. Surely you do something.”

  “Am thirty four and all I do is just a bit of prospecting. There is gold around here.”

  “Any big finds?”

  “Sure. Come and I’ll show you.”

  Jonathon took Bobby to a small shed and then opened a secretive doorway in the floor to reveal where he kept his valuable gold.

  “Phew, one big nugget,” Bobby said when Jonathon showed him his gold stash.

  “Not the biggest. I traded my best find only last month. I reckon I can live off it for at least another few years.”

  “You’re pretty lucky.”

  “Luck plays a little part, but it takes hard work mostly. My gold digging skills are refined you could say.”

  “So we share something then. Your refined gold digging skills and my refined pilot skills. We make a good team.”

  “Only we are separated by millions of miles most days though.”

  “Hmm, you have a point. Maybe when I come back to Earth, we can hook up and try some gold digging together.”

  “I’ll look forward to it.”

  “Well, I’d better go. It must be eight by now.”

  “Just after in fact. Are you going to come back before you leave?”

  “Hard to say. Nevertheless, I’ll be straight back here on my next vacation.”

  “Make sure you do. Friends forever yeah?”

  “Friends forever.”

  Chapter 5

  “We were wondering if you would return Bobby”

  “Of course Beth. I keep my word.”

  “You’ve been drinking, I can smell it. Where have you been?”

  “Out and about. Found myself some whiskey and took in a few sups.

  “More than a few I’d say.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with a drink. Anyway, my car has self drive. I just kicked back for the trip here. One thing I did see and wondered if you noticed, is the arrangements of round boulders about the place. Have you?”

  “I’ve seen a few, but I don’t know anything about them.” Beth had a sheepish look on her face when she replied. Bobby failed to notice as he swayed on the spot due to the drinking. She continued to watch him silently until he brought himself out of his temporary annulment of self.

  “What’s up anyway? Where is Valeena?”

  “She is preparing your room Bobby. She waited until you returned just in case you decided it was too much spending another night here with us.”

  “Well, here I am but don’t expect another night like last night. I am too drunk to love...”

  “You seem okay to me Bobby.”

  “I’m just not in the mood. Maybe I should have stayed at...”

  “Stayed where? Where were you this afternoon?”

  “Out on a drive. Really, I don’t need to answer your questions Beth. I am my own man.”

  “Of course. It is just we were worried about you and there is much for us to do together yet.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Oh nothing to worry about. Perhaps morning is better.”

  “I think I will just retire for now. The drink has suddenly caught up with me.”

  “Alright, just wait. I’ll see if your room is ready then I’ll make you a nice sleepy time beverage to help you rest easy.”

  “Thanks Beth.” Bobby felt the sway of alcohol more than he had anticipated – it had become much stronger since he had arrived back at the bordello still free of any other guests. His thoughts regarding the mystery of the two women found recess though as his ineffective state dominated.

  “Your room is ready Bobby. Take leave and I will come with a drink in a few minutes. You look tired.”

  “Thank you Beth. I think this drinking has the better of me tonight. Perhaps tomorrow with a clear head, we can a bit talk...talk a bit more.”

  “You are welcome to stay as long as you like. Valeena is not expecting anyone for a few more days.”

  Bobby had begun to feel real rest for his foggy mind when Beth appeared holding a glass. She hesitated upon seeing him so peaceful until he opened his eyes to look directly into hers.

  “I hope I am not disturbing you Bobby.”

  “You’re fine Beth. Is this your might time elixir?”

  “A special recipe I think you will find pleasing.”

  “Leave it with me than. I’ll have a drink and then it is off to sleep.”

  “Well goodnight then and happy dreams Bobby.”

  After a sniff where the mixture of organic greens combined with nuts and something strange he thought was like cough medicine, Bobby downed the elixir in one large gulp. Upon swallowing, he felt a distinct pleasure comforting his wayward state sending him into such relaxation he was asleep seconds after hitting the pillow.

  His eyes moved flashing left and right – Bobby had hit a deep dream state within minutes. He was immersed in paralysis, such as it is for deep dreaming. It was within his dreams where he began to take flight not as a space commander, but as himself cast into an endless sea of nothing yet of everything. It all came to him and then was gone before he could determine its fate and his.

  Energy pulsed as did bright lights even brighter than those used to guide his space craft back to base. They were not blinding for the energy was not overwhelming. Both the energy and the lights were a bombardment he could assimilate, as too the growing sound coming from somewhere. The issue for him was this influx of imagery now and then as if his world and their world were spinning into some type of vortex.

  This was no dream Bobby could easily snap out of and awake to find himself serenely comfortable in a bed of fresh linen with crisp sheets and a blanket to cuddle. He was of no mind to leave this place anyway as he was being taken and he was being lost to the normal world. It was a journey to space and to places never traversed within the confines of his rocket. He was naked in spi
rit, naked in thought, and naked in apparition. Bobby knew nothing of this place in his mind’s sense, yet he felt assured he was at home.

  Onward it seemed to eternity fully conscious yet he was asleep. He conjured a few fleeting thoughts as he went, seeing his spaceship tumbling away from his outstretched hand as he tried to regain control. There was no joy stick, nor any buttons to press. And then the visions disappeared for they were not his thoughts but mere remnants of self experience gathered from the past – a place to which he was headlong being taken.

  Before long events began to taper away. The visions slowed and became almost familiar to him as a feeling of something warm and soft brought pleasurable experience causing his face to form a slight grin. They could see his look, his place, and his state, and they both knew he had been taken. Now again they would take from him – the seed, the final germination as part of their need.

  Bobby felt caressed now as he swam in a warm pool offering him the deepest feelings and the deepest sensation. It was ecstatic. It was orgasmic in flow given to the utmost in projection as both took from him for them. Beth and Valeena took turns to drain Bobby until he could be drained no longer until being rendered limp and at ease. They both had him for the third instalment of what was irrevocably their requirement of seed to carry their fortunes, their destiny, along with his.

  When at last he opened his eyes, all trace of his former inebriation had disappeared to be replaced with a sense of calm, a sense of placidity, and a sense of prowess. He stared at both women for a few moments as they shuffled to gain comfort of place lying beside him.

  “What happened?”

  “Nothing out of the ordinary Bobby.”

  “It didn’t seem like it to me.”

  “You were dreaming when Beth and I came in and when you came in you were fantastic. We are finished now Bobby. Thank you.”

  “What for?”

  “Your seed.”

  “Oh seed again. You know I didn’t really realise we were having sex again. It felt more like a dream.”

  “It was both. Wasn’t he lovely Beth?”

  “Absolutely Valeena. He can come again anytime. You know it is morning Bobby and perhaps you are leaving us today.”

  “Maybe I’ll stay.”

  “Maybe you have no choice to either stay or to leave Bobby.”

  “What do you mean Valeena?”

  “You will see...soon.”

  “This sounds a bit weird. I think I might go for a walk.”

  “Sure. Beth and I will make some coffee.”

  As they walked through to the kitchen, they could see Bobby make towards the main entrance and then go outside. He had parked his car in the rear shed after returning from spending time with Jonathon Livingston, so the space out front was unoccupied. When he stepped through the threshold into the early morning sun, he was greeted with a sweet scent of dew and unfurling foliage emitting freshness defying his previous experience of the dry sun baked location.

  Bobby sucked in a few big deep breaths – his chest heaving. He was surprised to be feeling so clear after the third breath as he half expected a headache or some other hang over affect from yesterday’s drinking.

  As the minutes passed by, Bobby felt himself becoming more and more aware of his surroundings. When at first he was surprised not to see his car parked out front, he then recalled having parked it out back when returning from Jonathon Livingston’s house, thus alleviating a temporary spike of worry enveloping him.

  As the sun was still low, his vision directly ahead was obscured by its glare, so he looked downward to the fringes where he began to notice something he could not at first determine. It appeared as though the grasses were greener and longer than he remembered. Bobby hesitated to jump to any conclusions though as he had arrived back late and somewhat drunk, and his previous memories of these minor details were not very clear.

  “There is some breakfast ready Bobby if you are hungry,” Beth called to him from the front door of the house.

  “Sure, I’m ravenous when I think of it. Coffee too?”

  “Yes, a fresh brew.”

  “Good. Thank you Beth.” Bobby gave her a brief kiss on the cheek before she led him inside to the dining room where Valeena had already started eating.

  “How are you feeling Bobby?”

  “Fine thanks Valeena, though I feel as if something is different.”

  “Perhaps it is the culmination of our times together dawning upon you.”

  “Are you saying you don’t want me to stay any longer?”

  “Not at all Bobby. We have been busy the three of us. I was just thinking you might be feeling different now as you let your work slip away and relax.”

  “You could be right Valeena. I say Beth, this food is great. It has so much taste.”

  “It is timeless. The flavours come from the...”

  “Beth, how about pouring some coffee.”

  Bobby watched Beth pour coffee as Valeena watched Bobby watching Beth. He was unaware of their intent as they looked closely at his every action, every nuance, and every eye movement. Breakfast was good enough to distract him from any close examination of just about anything, and so both women knew they had struck an accord – males of Earth were often tempted and appeased through their stomachs. Satiation of his hunger though, would render his aptitude sharpened to make use of the energy provided.

  The coffee was good as evidenced by the look of pleasure Bobby displayed as he let it slip down his throat. As his smile widened, the moments realising his self cured from the ill effects of drinking, began to take shape.

  “What do you two lovely ladies have planned for today?”

  “More or less the same as usual, though I think Beth is looking to go out today to take in some of the wilderness while I stay and keep things afloat here.”

  “Really Beth. Maybe I can accompany you. Do you have any idea where you would like to go?”

  “For a walk out among the boulders and forest wherever I can find some. Of course you can come with me Bobby. I was sort of hoping you would.”

  “Then it is settled. I must say, I am feeling a lot sharper now than I was earlier, and much more than I was last night.”

  “It is our good food Bobby,” Valeena said looking at him a little slyly.

  “I’m sure it is Valeena.” Bobby noticed the look in her eye but dismissed it immediately – he was used to her and Beth’s mystique now and simply put it down to more of this.

  “Are you alright about what we did together last night Bobby?”

  “I am fine Beth. I have come to expect such behaviour from you and Valeena. Tell me Valeena, you seem to be more content yourself as if you have achieved something. I cannot tell...”

  “You could say so Bobby. We have all reached a point today and I am so glad Beth and I can accompany you on your journey.”


  “Yes, through life and experience. We are all intrinsically linked forever now.”

  “I wouldn’t take it so far. I will always remember our liaisons, but to say forever makes it sound as if there is a degree of permanency attached.”

  “As you know Bobby, there is always more going on than meets the eye. Surely as a space commander, you would have this often in your thoughts.”

  “Yes I do in fact, but I fail to make a similar association here.”

  “Let’s just wait and see.”

  “You’re not thinking I might father a child to you, or to Beth are you?”

  “Maybe you will or maybe you...”

  “Hey! I don’t want to be a parent to rogue children. I have always retained a degree of integrity in respect to inseminating...um, I would not want to be a father in absence or someone who sows his seed hither to here and there.”

  “Don’t see it in such a way Bobby. People can be the parent figure in different ways. Anyway, I don’t think you need to worry. Relax. Why don’t you take Beth for a walk and discuss it then so you can put your mind at ease.”
r />   Bobby’s mind was indeed beginning to race. The thought of becoming a parent with one or two women whom he barely knew, caused him concern and affected him more deeply than any Vindor attacking onslaught could shake him. He cast his eyes to Beth – she was warm and receptive as she and Valeena had been on the previous two nights, but this time she did not have so much desire behind her eyes.

  “Come on Bobby. Let’s go. You will see. All will be fine.”

  “Yes go you two. I’ll take care of cleaning up. Go and enjoy the outdoors.”

  Beth led Bobby by the hand. His look defied his status as Steward of Earth Defences, appearing confused and unsure of himself. He was showing the effects of awakening from a period of what he saws as somewhat of a stupor. Yet, this stupor period had in fact been prominent for almost the entire time since he had arrived at the bordello, with the only period free of the glaze over his mind’s eye being the time he had spent with Jonathon Livingston.

  Bobby thought of Jonathon as he walked beside Beth. They had left the house via the front door, crossed the porch to the three wooden steps, and taken to the pathway leading directly towards from where the sun was shining. It was just after nine now and whilst the sun was rapidly making its way upwards yet not really moving in such a fashion due to it mostly being Earth’s own rotation, a low glare still obscured most vision ahead of them.

  “Come on Bobby. I want to take this trail.” Beth led him along a path he had not yet taken in his previous outings. At the last she cast a glance back to the house where Valeena was watching them depart through the window beside the front door where she had pushed the curtain slightly to one side. The women exchanged glances before Valeena disappeared back into the depths of the bordello.

  Bobby had been taken to new depths himself with his intimate relations, and little did he realise just how deep those relations were becoming. For now though, he felt a distinct desire to be at relations with his surroundings as more of his aptitude returned and he realised this sabbatical was only a brief period out from his duties as a space commander.

  “How is that you find yourself here Beth?” They were walking along a track cutting its way between thigh high grasses.

  “This path is my favourite. I waited to show it to you not wanting to ruin its magic in the heat of the previous days.”