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Times Escape : Book One in the Adventures of Bobby Regal Space Commander Page 17

  “We should expect it to question its origins from both male and female perspectives.”

  “Yes of course, but this is different as if it knows Bobby is close.”

  “Should we check the grounds?”

  “I think it would be wise.”

  Bobby was already well ahead of Beth and Valeena. As they checked the grounds, he began working the lock to the door on the top level of the house. All officers of space command and from ground command were issued with electronic skeleton keys enabling them to access almost any lock only after a short time spent deciphering electronic mechanisms or figuring the workings of the old mechanical kind, as was the case this time.

  He had gained entry to the bordello as they had sat in the kitchen. Then he found his way upstairs when they felt as if someone was outside the house and went to check, and now as they looked about seeing if he was hidden in the sheds out back waiting for an opportunity to steal his way inside, Bobby made his way into the room.

  “There is no sign of his car Valeena.”

  “That means nothing really Beth. If he has returned, it is likely he will hide the vehicle and journey in to here on foot.”

  “Then we should be careful as he could already be about the house.”

  “I know, so I am going back inside to make sure.”

  The moment Valeena entered the house, she knew Bobby was inside. Her feelings coupled with the empathic outcries of the new born, convinced her he was already upstairs. She called out to Beth for her to come and help, before taking the two flights of stairs to the third storey small incubation room.

  She could hear nothing as Bobby was working with stealth. When she had edged close enough to spy through the crack in the slightly open door, she could see he was standing next to the chamber where the life form lay as it grew. Between father and son, a bond was developing and as such there was no evidence of despondency as the life looked up to its father.

  Bobby was astounded at seeing this seed and at feeling a connection. He was awash with conflict, torn between some distant love for this creature and the need to eliminate any chance of it surviving beyond this bordello. In his training and experiences as Steward of Earth Defences, he had never come against something so profoundly beyond any wonders he had seen in space, or Vindor assault at the outer reaches of the solar system. For a moment he wished he was piloting his electric rocket on a sortie to take out Vindor sphere ships – at least he knew the contingencies attached to battle gave him a sense of direction and mission. When Valeena made a slight sound he immediately picked up with his senses returned to his objective to kill the creature and make passage back through time.

  “Can you be so bold Bobby, as to kill your own progeny?”

  “Valeena, I am here on a mission and therefore I must look past such dilemmas as my personal feelings and attend to my duty.”

  “How can you? What you propose is no less beastly than how you see this seed Bobby.”

  “By its nature this seed is illegitimate Valeena. It has no place and no validity in my own psyche.”

  “And your feelings?”

  “Similar. I cannot allow this to happen. I know what you are trying to do with this life Valeena. You and Beth cannot be afforded success otherwise it will spell the end of me and of humanity.”

  “How so Bobby? We have created this seed in order to create a genetically superior race to human beings with you as its foundation. Surely there is nothing wrong with evolution, even if it comes by way of Vindor high command.”

  “To a degree I accept your validation as humans may well have been created by a space faring race long ago in our history, but this is a different matter.”

  “I have a discharge weapon at hand. I can stop you and kill you outright but that would be such a waste.”

  “Then I am going to have to challenge you Valeena. I have my throb pulse pistol and so do you dare to take on the leader of space command?”

  “My choices are limited so I must, otherwise I will find myself strewn with the burden of failure and so too will Beth. Neither of us can accept failure within our Vindor psyche Bobby. You know we aspire to expressions of self pride based on our accomplishments.”

  “I am aware of the extreme self indignation of Vindor people when obstacles to their self appreciation are present.”

  “Then you should listen to Valeena,” Beth added. She had arrived during mid conversation and now appreciated the position both her and Valeena were in with the proposition of killing Bobby being presented.

  “Beth, your sweetness is such an asset yet you waste it with this woman. Can’t you tell she sees you as a minion, as one servicing her needs of self pride? She will cast you down at the first opportunity.”

  “You speak lies Bobby. Valeena is my closest consort. We share intimacy beyond the ridiculous attempts humans undertake to feel appreciated and loved. Neither of us has seen a civilisation so adorned with ineptitude when it comes to love.”

  “Then you know of another. How many?”

  “Many more than you or your superiors know of Bobby. Some are like us and some are much more like us they supersede our expressions you earthlings hate. Why are you all so full of hate?”

  “Hate is not our dominant trait Beth. You only see humans within the confines of battles be it military or as you are now, battling humanity with this genetic modification.”

  “Surely you do not propose humanity is anything near actualised and free of hatred.”

  “I don’t but many are free. Anyway, what of Vindor and your war? Surely this is evidence of your hatred.”

  “Your narrow perspective allows you to only see it such a way Bobby. Beth and I have shown you more yet you refuse to see. Our war is not based on hate, though we do pertain to dominance. Vindor seeks to express itself by adding your conscious to our own as a reminder of how far we have come and to where we should never return. Through Earth’s gold, our planet will rise under a stable star, to become leader in this galaxy.”

  “I am flattered you seen humanity as so vital to your own evolution, but there must be more. What of our gold? I know of your planetary quest.”

  “Gold is our way Bobby. It is a purity we attain to for it reminds us of the elegance Vindor has achieved, and we need it to survive and reach our true expression under a stable star.”

  “Then I simply cannot allow you to succeed. Stand down now or prepare to meet your end. The time for conversation is over.” Bobby removed his throb pulse pistol from within his jacket and levelled it Valeena. She too removed her own weapon, eyeing him carefully feeling confident she could beat him in a gun battle.

  Without flinching, Bobby quickly turned and fired a volley of three rays into the chamber where the creature lay, before Valeena had a chance to move. A second later he adjusted his weapon to stun and fired at her and then at Beth, sending both women to the floor unconscious. At seeing them lying their motionless, he could afford a view back to the new born. It looked up at him with sadness in its eyes as it took its’ last few breaths before death.

  Bobby could not watch but was forced to see this kill through to its end. Conflict as a father killing his son rose again and he fought hard to quash the sense of loss within. He had never killed any life in such close proximity before as all his victims had been aboard craft and were vaporised in space when he destroyed their ships or their life support systems. At the last, the creature let out one last gasp uttering the word ‘father’ before it expired to lie there dormant for a short time. Before his eyes, Bobby saw it motionless and after almost a minute, he watched it degrade into a pile of dust as its’ rapid growth was equally matched by its rapid demise. He felt sick, he felt loss, and he felt gain.

  Before he allowed any emotion to resurface, Bobby turned to leave only to see Valeena coming out of unconscious. He paused by her as she opened her eyes to narrow slits casting him a look of disgust.

  “How could you stoop so low Bobby Regal? You of all have killed your own progeny. You ar
e nothing and so too are all other humans. This will not be the end of our assault against Earth.”

  “You may bring on what you want to Valeena. I am ready and willing to take on anything Vindor can throw at me.”

  “You had better be sure for we will pursue you specifically through time to the end Bobby Regal. You are our number one enemy.”

  “I am touched at how much thought Vindor has devoted to me Valeena. What will you do now? Travel back to my time?”

  “Our ruse here is done and so are you. There is nothing you can do to make it back to your time. You are stuck here in this dirty place and I hope you rot here dreaming of how good it used to be for you. And watch out. We will return to find you.”

  “Don’t count on my complacency. I will find a means to find my time.”

  “How can you? Earth has no such technology. You are just babies when it comes to space ventures and soon Vindor will rise above all other planets to show you how much this is the case.”

  “Well, until the day arrives, I will be doing my best as always. As Steward of Earth Defences, I am timeless and soon it will be for the course where I will find myself standing out front of what was once a bordello lost in time.”

  Valeena tried to speak again, but her exhaustion was too much and she once again slipped into unconsciousness. Bobby was of no mind to deal with her or Beth and kill them outright – it was not his way to be perverse, yet in a sense it was as he decided to leave them to their own destiny where they would attract deplorable judgements from their superiors.

  At the last, he remembered the incubation device. Setting his weapon to vaporise, he shot a last volley at the machine reducing it to a melted mess unrecognisable and irretrievable.

  Valeena awoke moments after Bobby had returned to his car for the drive back through the night to the farm. She tended to Beth who looked so sweet to her as she lay there helpless with her eyes closed until she too came around. The moment Beth opened her eyes, Valeena was upon her kissing her lips and caressing her cheek.

  “My sweet baby, how are you?”

  “I am alright. Oh no!”

  “Yes Bobby killed the seed and he destroyed our machine.”

  “Then we must enact revenge and kill him Valeena, otherwise we will be disgraced and forced to live with those who have been dishonoured on Vindor.”

  “I know Beth, but killing him will be difficult, and consider is it in our self interests of pride to lower ourselves to such a place as revenge?”

  “We have to do it. I will go to the farm myself.”

  “If we go, we must go together.”

  “Now is the time Valeena. It will bring us commendation to kill the Steward of Earth Defences even though our mission has failed its main objective.”

  “We need a plan of attack. Bobby isn’t going anywhere, so let us take time so we can realise an effective outcome. Come here sweetie. I can help you feel better.”

  “I know. You always take care of me.” Beth again fell into Valeena’s arms where they embraced kissing each other on the forehead in short reassuring bouts of affection.

  “Look at him. He is peaceful.”

  “It breaks my heart Valeena. How could Bobby have been such a monster as to kill his own child?”

  “Humans can behave in such ways Beth. They can create the most beautiful things and the most ugly. They have no real idea on how an astute sense of self pride raises awareness to manifest only beauty.”

  “They might see our war as ugly though.”

  “No doubt they do, but therein they lack for our war is for their benefit. Given to their own devices, humans are likely to destroy themselves, but with Vindor as their steward, they could reach new heights of awareness.”

  “Surely they realise they are destined to service the people of Vindor. It has always been the way for human destiny to unfold realising their place as servants to others. They are so faulty and dirty, being in our service would lift them above their status.”

  “They do not see this in themselves Beth. Even though they feel it, they try to stave of this destiny by creating distractions in an effort to forget their true selves.”

  “Oh they should have mercy upon themselves. They try ever so hard to be something they simply can never be. They teach each other how to behave and are so very distant from heartfelt expression, though they like to believe they have love inside. But how can they? Even their steward is low enough to kill his own child.”

  “It is their way of avoiding self annihilation and each time they fail.”

  “Then we must not fail Valeena. We must deliver a message to them as we were to with this progeny now dead. Humans need to be put in their place and know where their direction lies.”

  “And you think killing Bobby will deliver this?”

  “Of course. Their elite space commander dead – useless in stopping his own demise. It will be at his own hand where they will see his failure and as their representative, he will help them realise their truths. How can an entire race trust their defence to one man? He is but a symbol of their ignorance.”

  “I do agree Beth, but how will we kill him? He is surely expecting us to try something.”

  “Then we must beat him at his own game. I am thinking of a tactical approach and a surprise he will not expect.”

  “You surprise me Beth. I had taken you to be less aggressive and more complacent.”

  “Nothing will ever stop me finding my own pride Valeena, nothing. My sweetness is but a purity of vision clearly leading to where my fate prevails.”

  “Then to your fate and mine we must travel.”

  Chapter 14

  Mister Weston was busying himself without anything tangible to do – he wanted to remain alert for the time Bobby returned. Miss Candice had taken to a nap as she was tired from the day of work and of waiting for outcomes this evening. Upon Bobby’s surprising and silent return, Mister Weston fetched Miss Candice so they could both listen to the events of the bordello.

  “I have finished with them. The two women are alive and soon to be kicking themselves for their oversights.”

  “Those harlots deserve all coming to them Mister Bobby.”

  “They will be disgraced on their home planet Miss Candice and in good time as well.”

  “Surely they will come searching for you Mister Regal. I cannot imagine they would simply give up.”

  “In truth, you are correct Mister Weston, but they are also bound to their own superiors and must return to their time space.”

  “Which is our destination as well isn’t it Mister Bobby?’

  “Indeed Miss Candice. Tonight we are to try time travel and as passengers you and Mister Weston will be the very first and the only to have done this voluntarily.”

  “It is dangerous Miss Candice. Mister Regal and I have discussed this at length and hesitate to inform you in case our lives are forfeit.”

  “As Mister Weston says, it will involve a great deal of risk. We may never find our right time...”

  “Surely though as Steward of Earth Defences, you are of accurate assumption Mister Bobby. I overheard some of your conversation and in particular, where you mentioned there is much to aim for given the residual genetic trace being the element on which to base the projected target time for our travels.”

  “You are correct Miss Candice. I predict our accuracy will be more than eighty percent.”

  “And if those women come here again looking for you Mister Bobby?”

  “Then we shall all have to defend our very lives. This is a period of turmoil and as such, those who prevail in their efforts to control will attempt to stop us.”

  “Miss Candice and I have been busy doing what we could to make this event momentous Mister Regal. We consider it both our fate to take this travel with you and in doing so, we will stand for no obstacles in our way.”

  “Such determination is indeed an asset. It will take our most tenacious application of self to be upstanding to our intentions and then arrive in
a time where you may well feel out of sorts.”

  “Out of sorts is the story of my life here in Jonstown Mister Bobby, and I dare speak for Mister Weston in saying it is similar for him.”

  “I am sure Mister Regal is not bothered by our personal issues of life here in Jonstown Miss Candice.”

  “Quite the contrary Mister Weston. One must have the will and application of reasoning encompassing the desire to leave this time and travel beyond with such authenticity, or one may well find oneself spinning in a time between worlds and between times.”

  “Then it is settled. We are all in agreement for this venture. Let us waste no further time Mister Bobby, for time is very much of the essence tonight.” Miss Candice exhibited her own self confidence as she stood up from her chair motioning as if they should get started immediately.

  “I agree Miss Candice. Mister Weston, can you please assist me in starting your steam engine. We will require as much power as it can give for us to be successful.”

  “I have stocked up on fire supplies Mister Regal. We are not going to run short on fuel.”

  “Splendid, for we must build towards maximum power and then give the engine one final boost by discharging my car’s electrical battery I have here to spin. We need this to open the time vortex through which we are to travel. Once the vortex is open and we make passage, the battery’s link to my car will destroy them both. No trace of twentieth century technology will remain behind for the people here in Jonstown.”

  “This is truly becoming exciting! What can I do Mister Bobby?” Miss Candice began to show impatience through her eagerness to start and to avoid the two women. She had taken a considerable liking to Bobby and loathed to think of any other woman present in his mind at this time.

  “Be calm please Miss Candice. Mister Regal and I will start the engine. We are depending on you to look after almost all else as we build the current.”

  “I am sorry Mister Weston.”

  “Please do not be sorry, and I do apologise if I came across as chastising Miss Candice.”

  “To nil effect Mister Weston. I am within the throws of anticipation and adventure.”