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  • Times Escape : Book One in the Adventures of Bobby Regal Space Commander Page 15

Times Escape : Book One in the Adventures of Bobby Regal Space Commander Read online

Page 15

  “You are brilliant Miss Candice! Why did I not think of such a thing?”

  “Perhaps in your grace, you preferred to see me contribute with this realisation Mister Weston.”

  “Think no such thing Miss Candice. You have indeed trumped my own brain in searching for a solution. I will attend to gathering these items at once whilst you make supper.”

  “When you return Mister Weston, I think it will be time for us to sit and discuss this at length during Mister Bobby’s absence.”

  “I agree Miss Candice. Give me ten minutes.”

  When Mister Weston had arranged the small engine and found the old grinder, he returned to accompany Miss Candice over supper. With such mindedness attuned to their exploits, both were easily satiated eating only bread and cheese as their appetites were mostly suppressed due to their excitement despite the hour turning late.

  As they discussed what possible realities were unfolding at the bordello, Bobby was taken with the requests Valeena and Beth made upon him to help in their endeavours.

  “How did you determine our motives Bobby?”

  “It was quite simple Beth. Both you and Valeena presented me with various clues I noticed you attempted to hide...albeit clumsily.”

  “Too little for fooling the Steward of Earth Defences then?”

  “It is not only a piloting role Valeena. My natural character of investigation skills contributed to me being chosen for the position, along with my attributes for fighting space battles. My way is to not present any idea I am putting clues together.”

  “Yet you so willingly returned here with me. You must have ulterior motives yourself.”

  “Your powers of deduction are accurate Valeena.”

  “What if I was to present you with little or no option Bobby?”

  “Then I would be forced to create my own Valeena.”

  “You might be our captive and thus be limited in such expression.”

  “Indeed, and as befitting to the role of steward, I would endeavour to find means by which to exercise my strengths.”

  “There are alternatives.”

  “I can imagine they are very few considering you and Beth have transported us all through time.”

  “Truth is in your words Bobby. Inevitably you were going to discover our game, but there is little you can do now we have transported you to this time.”

  “You may think so Valeena. For what purpose has this transport taken place anyway?

  “Vindor has decided it best the Steward of Earth Defences be cast back in time so the upper hand can be gained in our war with Earth.”

  “Earth is simply not entirely safeguarded by my actions alone. There will always be someone to replace me and this is by no means a way to gain any upper hand. I know you have yet more sinister plans afoot for me to discover Valeena.”

  “Surely though Bobby, our relations hold some value to you.”

  “You and Beth in essence were sweet to my senses. But...with ulterior motives at play, you have been after something from me since the beginning, even before I arrived at the bordello.”

  “Then stay here this night and deliver yourself answers to your own questions. Please make allowance Bobby – our motives are our orders, so we have no choice other than to obey.”

  “Is Vindor high command such a mechanism of control forcing you to obey? This does not strike me as common in my experience against your planet’s forces.”

  “My superiors have advised me this is the best way to...”

  “I am sure they have a number of options they consider in their best self interests.” Bobby could see Valeena’s eyes telling him a story of much deeper meaning. Despite her methods at covering up her intentions, Bobby was experienced in reading through those subtle nuances alluding to the real intentions of people. His thoughts had turned again to their seed as he conjured up various meanings for this to himself. Of most sickening relevance was the idea they would use his genetic material gathered through this seed for adding to their own genome sequence.

  Their creation would have the character of the most adored person on Earth under control of Vindor pride. How they would use him to better themselves bothered him. He would need more specific information on how their time travelling device had functioned through connected in some way related to the forces and energies they used to propel their spherical craft.

  More and more evidence came to him when he recalled the arrangements of stones he saw on his way to meeting Jonathon Livingston, and how Jonathon himself had noticed strange formations. The relationship was more than mere coincidence now as he established the similarities between what had occurred and the design facets of nearly all Vindor technology.

  “What are we to do then Valeena, Beth? Here I am as you wanted me and now it is up to you to retrieve whatever it is in order to finalise your mission, but, and I hope I am not intruding too much on your personal privacy, I am intrigued to know yet more about you.”

  “We have revealed so much during our intimacies Bobby. Valeena and I have shown you our hospitality and you have been most gracious in accepting our hosting. We are simply here to be here now along with you and as you say, stop you defending Earth against us in the future.”

  “As you speak Beth, I can sense there is a vast chasm within your reasoning and it is the thin veil you hold to conceal it.”

  “Enough Bobby! I am tired of this. I set out to retrieve you in order you do not contaminate this time line for any action out of place could render our objectives invalid should Earth be changed by anything occurring in Jonstown. How was it you found yourself at the farm anyway, and how many people did you contact in town today?”

  “Why such questions Valeena? Surely there is nothing of relevance there for you. I did make my way to town and as soon as I reckoned on the time, I made myself scarce for the very reasons you state. The farm was merely coincidental. I found it uninhabited and considered it would be an advantage to remain there out of sight.”

  “We are going nowhere with this conversation. It is late. I will fix us something to drink and perhaps then we will be more constructive. Both Beth and I were hoping you would visit us in the places most special to us all Bobby.”

  “You consider I would have sexual relations with you again. How absurd.”

  “Then have it your way, but there is one problem if you choose the wrong way.” Valeena left Bobby to think it over as she and Beth fetched a tray of glasses and sour mash.

  As he sat alone for those few minutes whilst the two women discussed how they would extract genetic material from Bobby without his knowledge, he was given the space to see the situation in view of recent conversation. They had a reason well beyond just inviting him back to the house for more sex, or to delay him in any way. He had been delayed some eighty odd years, so time in its lineal view was not applicable, yet Bobby could sense timing was important to how this would play out for Vindor. It was taking them longer than he considered worthy to fetch a tray and bottle – they were about to make a move and he needed to be ready.

  Valeena appeared first with a slightly sheepish look reminding him of similar from Beth. She gave him eyes of deception Bobby had learned to read well with significant improvement in the past hour as the pressure began to mount for Valeena. The tube like device she carried was out of sight. It was small enough to hide in her brassier until the moment she could take it and feign an accident with Bobby in order to place it on his skin for a second and extract a few cells.

  At the first, she laid down the tray and poured three strong drinks as Beth entered the room distracting Bobby with idle conversation. She laid him bare with direct questions relating to their sexual encounters – how much he had liked her body, how much he had given her and Valeena, and how sensuous it would be again for the three of them to explore the penetrations of sexual relations for the remainder of the evening.

  Bobby was having no further part in anything intimate with Beth or Valeena. They knew this, and in their quest to c
omplete their mission, they struggled to find conversation of interest to him at this time. Bobby at once noticed how they were falling apart, making it obvious there was almost nothing left for them to do aside from the very reason Valeena had brought him back to the bordello this night.

  He sipped his sour mash as they both came close enough to be touching him on both sides. Valeena had arranged the seating for this proximity so she could use the vial device as subtle as she could for just a second. Their one remaining obstacle to their gathering of his cellular material was if Bobby consciously objected to their gathering his essence. Such objectivity would resonate through the material and thus their seed being would suffer from this imprint and be plagued with issues of rejection.

  They both turned on their charms as much as they could ever hope to establish at a covert bordello operation. The facade was an intuitive portrayal for Bobby as he studied their eyes looking for the time where they would make their move, but it never really came. Valeena was effective at extracting Bobby’s cellular matter without his knowledge in a moment he consented to her close presence. It was a time in authentic presence for them both and it was enough. Disguised as a mere bump when turning to hand him a refilled glass of sour mash, she placed the implement against his arm as she hid it within her own hand. Bobby did not even feel the extraction as no pain or intrusion was evident. Within a few fleeting seconds, Valeena had his material, stashed the device on her person and had turned to make conversation with a freshly filled glass of her own. It was a perfect disguise she and Beth were sure had worked. Bobby showed no signs of suspicion to this move, yet they could not be entirely certain for he had been successful at hiding his thoughts previously.

  “I need some air. I think I will go for a walk outside for a few minutes...”

  “But it is so cold.”

  “I am aware of such things Beth. I need some alone time...and don’t worry, I am not going anywhere seeing as my car is back at the farm Valeena was so gracious to escort me here from.”

  “You are welcome to stay with us...in us Bobby. We are here for your needs.”

  “My needs have been serviced very well since I came to this house Beth.”

  He took to the sheds beyond where he had parked his car previously, and where he was sure Valeena had parked the transport after arriving back from the farm. His thoughts proved correct when he found the three metre diameter sphere in the furthest shed from the bordello. Nothing on its’ exterior gave away what was contained within, except for three slit like openings at the bottom of the perfectly shiny silver ball. Upon closer examination, Bobby found there was a projection unit behind the slits - not one for imaging, but for sound. He and his fellow officers of Earth defences had suspected Vindors used sound waves to generate low frequency cymatic responses for use in matter manipulation and transference beyond light speed and time, now confirmed as he shone his pocket light into the openings.

  Nothing further was required. Bobby had the information he needed to proceed with the device he was constructing with Miss Candice and Mister Weston. All he would have to do was play along with Beth and Valeena and survive the night intact, but little did he realise he had already failed this part of his objective.

  He failed to realise just how open he was to them as they were to him.

  Chapter 12

  When morning broke cold and grey without any hint of wind, smell, or sound, Valeena held the newly born seed in her arms. It was free from the incubation chamber, immediately looking for its’ first taste of sustenance. She had nothing to do other than to give it what is sought, hoping it would grow to resemble Bobby as she held it in her arms with its jet black eyes looking up to her. Its maw was open but it was no mouth. At this stage it was barely a humanoid form, resembling more a concoction of various life forms in premature gestation born too early and on the brink of life and death. The moment she inserted the final infusion of Bobby’s cellular matter into its mouth, the life realised itself and from within its ugliness, began to smile.

  Instantly its writhing figure started changing. From its grotesque shape it formed into a defined human body losing fluids and genetic material cast to the floor in a mass still seething from bio-electrical impulses in residue. This vision even sickened Valeena, so attuned to immaculate presentation of self she was. She wanted this process to end so she could restore the life to another period of relative quiet for its final form to emerge. After this initial breeding period, there would be days of painstaking work to set its cloning forms and disperse them out to Earth’s population for working their charm and consort with human females for the creation of the Vindor human race.

  Abruptly all movement ceased as the life form rested into position for commencement of the next growth phase. Valeena was pleased and relieved it was about to change from being ugly and untoward, to become more a child of her and Beth.

  As her feelings were embroiled in those naturally nurturing from a mother then conflicting with her disgust at the abhorrent life before her, Valeena thought of what it was to be a human female burdened with so many instances of imperfection. Doubt, anger, and a sense of sickening rose in her heart. The more this objective unfolded, the further she wanted to be away and return to her life on Vindor. Since meeting him, she had often fantasised about being there with Bobby purely for the sake of lust and enjoyment. She had never wanted anything more than to live a life of exquisite fortune centred on her upholding a sense of pride and beauty many Vindor men would aspire to consort with in matters of love.

  “Bobby is awake Valeena. Shall I prepare a breakfast?”

  “Yes please Beth. I am done here for now. We have a few more days of intense monitoring then we will begin teaching it to behave human. At least by then it will resemble more of Bobby than the creature we see before us.”

  “I hope so Valeena as it is most ugly at present and I am not feeling anything nurturing as a mother should feel.”

  “I understand your disposition Beth. I too feel similar but with perhaps more a sense of nurturing.”

  “You have brought it to life much more than my contribution. I’ll see you shortly.”

  Beth left Valeena, hurrying downstairs to greet Bobby when he ventured to the kitchen after waking. He was not so awake though when he appeared rubbing his eyes seemingly half asleep.

  “Did you not sleep well Bobby?”

  “Not at all Beth. I had so much going through my mind all night. I must have been awake for hours.”

  “Never mind. I will make some fresh coffee. Perhaps it will help bring you around.”

  “Oh I am around Beth.”

  “Good, then perhaps you will stay. You know Valeena and I did not really want to deceive you in such a way, but we really had no choice. We would much rather just have lived out our fantasies with you in the bed chambers.”

  “I can tell Beth, but I am to leave you today. After all, you have travelled back in time with me and I am out of my element here. Surely you understand.”

  “I can see you position, but it is not as bad as you may think Bobby. Valeena and I have the means to travel back to...”

  “Yet there is nothing to make me believe either of you would offer me such a journey.”

  “It is out of the question but, not impossible for you to return to your own time once our objective is complete.”

  “How can it be so when your objective was merely to displace me in time so Earth would lose its steward of defences?”

  “Once the seed is...”


  “Um yes, seed of change. The reason we brought you back here.”

  “I see. Anyway, how far off is the coffee?”

  “Right here.”

  “Thanks. I think I will take a walk outside in the brisk air to wake me up some.”

  “Would you like some company?”

  “Sure.” Bobby had hoped Beth would innocently follow him as he was certain she could be manipulated into providing him more information through her incli
nation to be the more loose lipped of the two women. The coffee instantly cleared his mind as he felt confidence in retaining his composure considering the implications for his life through time travel. He held firm belief such composure would lead him out of this dilemma.

  “Why is it you behave so sexually Beth? It seems strange to me where two women at an isolated bordello would be on a mission to secure me back in time, yet have very pronounced desires for copulation. And this seed. It sure is a strange mix of ideas and emotions.”

  “Like we said Bobby, it is our cultural way. Often on Vindor, women get together with just a few men for this purpose. We have strong sexual desires to be met if we are to retain our sense of perfection and pride.”

  “What of monogamy then? Do you stay with a single partner or get married?”

  “Only when we have reached an age of maturation and no longer have the need for satisfying strong rampant sexual desires. We still have these desires, but our alignment of self matures over time, so we can find ways to satiate this hunger with just one person.”

  “What if you are seeded in the meantime and a new life is created?”

  “We will care for the life Bobby.”

  “What if my seed brought you a new life?”

  Beth’s eyes gave it all away. She barely moved them, but for a split second Bobby saw them divert towards the upstairs window of the room where Valeena was now placing the seeded life into bed. After so many studies into psychology and Vindor personality traits, Bobby knew what these fleeting actions meant. He recognised the tension now in Beth as she had been unable not to give the situation away. She confirmed this through her next move.

  “We would care for it Bobby, but as we said, Vindor women and human males cannot mate. It would take significant intervention for anything to be even hopeful of success.”

  “You have technology surpassing us here on Earth. I can imagine you would be able to harness a new life form if a human male was to seed a Vindor woman.”